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Wherever You Are, Be All There An interview with Candace Rose Rardon about travel blogging, earning a living as an illustrator, and adding creativity to your adventures. Part of the #Adventure1000 series...
Round the World on a Penny Farthing I wanted to chat to Joff Summerfield who is currently on his second lap of the planet on his penny farthing. But he’s a hard man to pin down to something boring like a computer and a schedule, so instead […]...
Ignorance, to a certain extent, is the Mother of Adventure In short, if I had known prior to my departure what I know now a: I might not have departed at all and b: I wouldn't have had the same experience that I did. On this basis, the most honest answer I can give to the question is 'œnothing'....
Look at that Ridiculous thing I Did. I Should Do it Again Sometime Some thoughts from a 21-year old woman cycling across Europe....
Paddling down the Ganges in a £50 kayak from eBay If there's no element of challenge in it then you're on a holiday not an adventure! ...
Maternity Leave Cycling Adventure Bike touring. That, until this summer just gone was something that others did (writes Satu Vänskä-Westgarth, of her maternity leave adventure). I had seen those people on their bicycles, with pannier bags filled to the brim on Norwegian roads. I […]...
A 20-Year Old Gal Cycling Round the World. Don’t Worry. Everything always Works Out. I wanted to do something different, something not everyone does, and something that gives my travel a 'œpurpose.' I also wanted a way to visit places other travelers don't get to see, to stay in small villages in the middle of nowhere, and to have the freedom to go wherever I want, whenever I want. A bike fulfills all of this and more. ...
The Impact of Adventure on a Child A while ago I interviewed Ingrid about cycling the length of the Americas with her husband and daughter. It was a popular post about an amazing family experience. Instinctively I felt that taking a child on a grand adventure like […]...
Cycling to Japan for £1000 I wouldn't change anything about it. It was the most amazing six months of my life. There were difficult bits, but those difficult bits were great, you know? They made the good bits worth it. ...
Just go for it, keep a Smile, and Everything will Work Out I chatted to photographer Archie Leeming about riding a motorbike down Africa and crossing the Congo by bicycle, canoe and over-crowded trucks. The photographs are from the Congo adventure. Alastair: I’mve been rummaging around on the internet before talking to you, trying […]...
Banff Film Festival When I grew up I wanted to play for Leeds United*, to run out at Elland Road. I wanted to bat at Headingley. I still remember the creeping realisation that these things were never going to happen. Later in life I […]...
Dave Cornthwaite There is absolutely no point in spending your life doing something that makes you miserable....
Graham Hughes: Visiting every Country on Earth without Flying When asked how can I afford to travel so much, I feel like retorting with: how can you afford your rent? To keep a dog? To have children? To smoke? When I travel, I have no rent to pay, no dog to feed, no kids to look after or cigarette companies to support, so 100% of the money I have can go on travel. Keeping to a budget of $15 a day is fairly easy if you're CouchSurfing (free), eating street food ($2 a meal) and travelling on the chicken bus ($10 per 100 miles). That's just $5500 a year -- less than a typical British cigarette smoker will spend on ciggies over the same period and much, much less than the rent on a flat in London or the cost of bringing up children....
Around the World in a Taxi Paul Archer decided it would be funny to drive round the world in a taxi. And so began a great adventure… Alastair: Hi Paul, can you start by giving us a quick outline of your adventure? Paul: Myself and two buddies […]...
I learned to Love the Slow Magic of Walking In 1933, Patrick Leigh Fermor set out in a pair of hobnailed boots to chance and charm his way across Europe, like a tramp, a pilgrim or a wandering scholar. The books he wrote about this walk are a journey […]...
Rolf Potts: Time = Wealth A fabulous book for anyone interested in breaking away from normal life and heading out to explore the world is Vagabonding by Rolf Potts. "Vagabonding" is about taking time off from your normal life '” from six weeks, to four months, to two years '” to discover and experience the world on your own terms....
It is Important it is in Life not necessarily to Be Strong but to Feel Strong This week for my Grand Adventures interview, I chat to Jamie from Only Bloody Human. Alastair: I particularly wanted to talk to you because of the lifestyle you have adopted since your big adventure, but first of all can you give us […]...
The 4 Phases of an Adventure Cas and Jonesy are a duo of Australian adventurers. They’ve paddled across the Tasman Sea, done an enormous South Pole expedition, and even released a jigsaw of themselves! I caught up with Cas for a chat on Skype for the […]...
Don’t trust the grown ups! You need Courage. You have to be a Rebel. Sven Yrvind is a Swedish boat builder and sailor. He sails across oceans in tiny boats that he has built himself. He is 75 years old....
I am quite a Wuss but People think I am some kind of Intrepid Explorer. I am truly not. Is it really possible to do a decent adventure for £1000? I asked Kerry to share her story.                     Alastair: Hi Kerry. Tell us about the Grand Tour and the trip you took. Kerry: The Grand Tour was a […]...
Beat The Clock – a Challenge Autumn is a beautiful time of year. If you bivvy in the woods you'll marvel at the beautiful colours of the leaves. Return to a place you slept in the summer to savour quite how much the place has changed. The sun sets earlier so you'll have more chance to star gaze too....
Ed Stafford Ed Stafford walked the length of the Amazon. The book and film of the journey were both a great success. Ed now films and presents Naked and Marooned on the Discovery Channel. I admire his accomplishments and his honesty. It […]...
A One Year Expedition Around Scotland I’m a big fan of seeking out epic adventures close to home. Will Copestake’s trip is a perfect example and a great inspiration for Grand Adventures. Here’s what he has to say: In 2013 I set off on an adventure […]...
Mark Beaumont – an interview Mark Beaumont has cycled round the world very quickly and many other adventures. He’s a successful television presenter in Scotland, and a thoughtful voice on chasing adventures. I was delighted to chat to him for Grand Adventures. Alastair: I’mm working on a […]...
A Family Bike Ride – 2 Years down the Americas I asked Ingrid to share some thoughts about her family’s 16,500-mile bike ride down the Americas. Not a bad journey for a family who didn’t own a bike beforehand! Sean, our daughter Kate, then 8 years old, and I cycled […]...
Changing Gears Changing Gears is a 20 minute short film, showing the journey of 5 young Londoners as they cycle from London to Brighton. Having never met before, and each from different backgrounds and life stories, the film is a look at […]...
James Ketchell – Climbing Everest, Rowing the Atlantic, Cycling Round the World James Ketchell is a serial adventurer, motivational speaker and Scouting ambassador. James is the first person to have rowed the Atlantic Ocean, summited Everest and cycled round the world. Seven years prior to this, he was recovering from a serious motorcycle […]...
What could you do with £1000? Don't waste money. Don't waste your life working for money you will waste. Fill your life full of adventures, experiences and memories instead....
The Biggest Obstacle was Myself I found learning about local life and culture beside the pyramids of Giza much more interesting than the pyramids themselves which I'md seen a thousand times before in images....
Adventure Saved me from Becoming an Aging, Balding Rocker Jason Lewis is the first person to circumnavigate the Earth without using motors or sails: walking, cycling, and inline skating five continents, and kayaking, swimming, rowing, and pedalling a boat across the rivers, seas, and oceans. Taking thirteen years to complete, the 46,505-mile journey was hailed 'œthe last great first for circumnavigation' by the London Sunday Times. In other words, he's worth listening to if you are interested in adventure yourself......

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