Shouting from my shed

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Come on a Microadventure!

Join Alastair Humphreys on a Microadventure

We are Defined by our ‘9-to-5’
But what about the 5-to-9…?

Escape the city. Climb a hill, cook on a fire, sleep under the stars.

Microadventures: a refresh button for busy lives.

“Short, thrilling trips that fit in around work and family commitments.” – Financial Times

If you’d like to take a group from your business on a microadventure, please click here.
If you’re an individual, a family, or a bunch of friends, then I hope this page will teach you all you need to know to enjoy a microadventure without needing to pay for it!

After work your team will leave the office and head to the station as usual. But today is different. 40 minutes from central London you step off the train into an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. You will not be told where you are going. But the air smells fresh and the mystery feels good. The only sound is birdsong and the laughter of our group. All around are fields and woods.

I will meet you and together we’ll climb a beautiful hill. The countryside drops away beneath you and flows all the way to the horizon. To your left you can still see Canary Wharf, an incongruous connection to the city and all that you have so easily escaped from for one night. We’ll choose a camping spot together – perhaps on this hill with a magnificent view for breakfast, or perhaps in this beautiful old woodland.

Everything is organised for you – the equipment, the logistics, the food and the beer! All you need to do is arrive with an open mind and a sense of humour.

Together we’ll gather wood, build a fire, share a local beer or a glass or two of wine, and settle down together to cook the best campfire stew you have ever eaten. We’ll talk, and laugh and stare into the fire or up at the stars.

You will be amazed that we are only 40 minutes from central London. Because you will feel that you are on a genuine adventure.
After a peaceful night’s sleep under the stars, you will be invigorated and filled with fresh air and adventure and new ideas. And after a bacon sandwich and a good campfire coffee you’ll be back in London in time for work, just like always. Except today will not feel “just like always”.

Microadventures encourage people to take practical steps to challenge themselves, improve their physical health, mental well-being, and all-important work/life balance.
5-to-9 thinking is an idea that applies to much more than just adventure’¦

Here is a taster film to give you an idea of what to expect. Please note – we don’t go to this precise hill, but it is similar countryside.

Book Now

Please contact us with any questions you may have.

microadventure bivvy girl sunrise field

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  1. What a wonderful idea. Most would love to travel and be free from a desk their entire life–and when they can’t have that exact thing, they give up entirely on adventure. THANK YOU for such a wonderful perspective—adventure from 5-9!

  2. Mari Posted

    Hello. Good ideas here for a weekend out. In my country portugal not even micro adventures for us poor/mid poor people. Because its forbidden to camp in the wild; because the is nearly no wilderness near lisbon and when there is, is for the wealthy they buy land and build walls around luxury houses with forest. There is Monsant park but you cannot camp in the wild. Besides you always listen to cars because is cut by roads everywhere. There is a lot of nice places of nature on Portugal but going on a weekend out on cheap food, camp and gas for the car, gets near 25% of my monthly income (when i have one). Biking in open country road is dangerous cause theres big trucks everywhere and most of us dont bike since in my suburb is danegrous to ride bikes cause cars dont give a damn and hit you and go away, thjere is also roberry of bikes.
    Once i strggled a lot to become a explorer. but despite a few journeys, I dreamed of being an adventurer and having so much time on nature but now its over. I studied in college but you heard of Portuguese crisis. So it is..i am now in my 30s. Unemployed, or underpaid, i am coming to the insane point of considering spending my last savings on a insane trip crossing a country solo even is my last journey ever i wanted so much to say -i have lived! – and then

  3. hi there,

    I love your web site it’s just fab! Seven years ago I moved from my beloved home in Cornwall, where I know every nook and cranny of the ancient moors and tors, the beaches and wild places, the ancient stones and houses. Ever since I’ve been searching for high ground , beaches and Forrest to get away to, find mystery in and a place to dream, I’ve luckily found a few, but your website is AMAZING! I love it, it’s fab!!

    Yay! Thank you!

  4. Will Posted

    Hiya Alaystair, Found your vids on YouTube ,great stuff exciting things, I used to climb and bike a lot in north Wales , then had a bike accident this really stuffed my knee and confidence for years.Live in the South Downs now and been walking bits of South Downs way gearing up to cycling some sections in small chunks ,studying OS maps like crazy trying to work out some good bivi spots, glad I found your site very inspiring thank you , soon be back out there sleeping under a rock waking up in a puddle because the rain soaked me down bag! All best Will

  5. Looks great, I live in London, but you have captured it in a much more compelling way than I see it in my day-to-day routine.



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