Shouting from my shed

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Los Angeles hills

Los Angeles Microadventure


Tell me, do any of these thoughts ever spring into your mind when you’re dreaming of trying to do something cool?

  • I don’t have enough time.
  • I’md like to, but I can’t quite be bothered.
  • I’mve never done it before, so I can’t do it.
  • I’mm a bit scared.
  • What will people think about me?

I think these things all the time.

Luckily I’mve built up the habit (over many years) of trying my best to ignore these voices and go make that cool thing happen anyway.

None of us have enough time to do all the things we’d like to do. But we can still do some of the things we’d like to do. And besides, if it was life or death we’d make it happen, wouldn’t we? In other words, “I don’t have the time” often means “I choose not to make the time…”

I’mm naturally quite lazy, shy and pessimistic. I do my best to fight that, because I know that when I can be bothered, I am always glad that I made the effort.

Not doing something because I’mve never done it before is dumb. It’s more natural to feel scared about the unknown and the difficult, but those feelings can (with practice, the support of a friend, or peer pressure) be surmounted.

And what will people think of me? Honestly, when will I ever grow out of such a stupid worry?!

Well, all these thoughts were rolling round my head last week as I boarded a flight to Los Angeles. I had a plan. But I wasn’t sure if I was going to go through with it or not.

Los Angeles Microadventure

I was on my way to America to give a talk at a conference. And I had managed to squeeze in a few extra days to go seek out some adventure beforehand. America is one of my favourite countries in the world, it’s incredibly beautiful, and you can literally get sandwiches bigger than your head. I was excited.

I emerged from the airport feeling predictably exhausted and generally bleeargh. I am always nervous when I arrive in new countries until I’mve settled in. All I wanted to do was find a hotel and sleep it all off.

But I didn’t.

I made myself stick to the plan.

I rented a car. I hit the road, armed with just a handful of scribbled directions. I launched myself into the rush hour madness of the 10-lane Los Angeles highways.

This was a really stupid idea.

Thirty minutes later I arrived. To my surprise I had not crashed / got lost / fallen asleep at the wheel.

Los Angeles Microadventure

As soon as I parked the car, heaved my rucksack onto my back, and started walking, I knew.

This was a really brilliant idea.

Los Angeles is one of the most sprawling, concrete landscapes on Earth. And yet it has hills and wilderness as well. I began climbing.

Los Angeles Microadventure

It was late afternoon and the sun was slowly sinking into the Pacific. Skyscrapers glinted in the sunshine. Busy roads stretched away to the horizon in every direction. And I was hiking up a narrow dirt path, through bushes and beautiful flowers, being wary of rattlesnakes as I picked my way higher and higher.

There are certain unmistakable icons of the world that you cannot help but grin when you see. It’s a grin of recognition, and the knowledge that you’ll remember this moment the next time you see the icon on TV. I crested the hill and there it was – the blooming massive HOLLYWOOD sign!

This was going to be a memorable hill to sleep on.

Los Angeles Microadventure

We tend to be quite blasé these days about air travel. But think about it. I woke up this morning in my own bed. I ate breakfast in London. And now I was about to go to bed on a hill above the HOLLYWOOD sign! That’s pretty crazy, really.

I moved a short distance along the ridge away from the sign to a very distinctive lone tree, known as the Wisdom Tree. Below me, on all sides, the lights of LA were beginning to shine.

I rolled out my sleeping bag. I was exhausted. And I was very, very happy.

The night air smelled sweet and tropical; of jasmine and warm, dry, red earth. It was noisy with traffic and helicopters. I was totally alone, surrounded by millions of people. Within moments, I was asleep.

I woke briefly in the middle of the night. I sat up and grinned. The city had fallen almost quiet. The lights below me were beautiful. This was one of the most spectacular bivvy spots of my life.

I woke again at dawn. To my surprise the loudest sound now was birdsong. I pulled on a warm jacket, sat up, and watched the city slowly waking beneath me.

Los Angeles Microadventure

My stomach declared it was breakfast time.
So I scampered down the hill in search of pancakes and a sandwich bigger than my head. It was great to back in America.
As I walked down the trail, back onto the streets and past the fancy Hollywood houses, I was so excited, and thrilled with myself for having made this little microadventure happen.
It’s always worth it, I reminded myself. It’s always worth making the time and the effort.
And to hell with anyone who thinks you’re a bit weird…

Untitled Projectfghjja

Huge American Portions

Huge American Portions


[POSTSCRIPT: I then hit the road with my friend Ryan, working on a film which I hope will be pretty sweet. We took in Joshua Tree, the Sequoias, and the Pacific Coast in a hectic road trip before I arrived, un-showered in five days, at the very swanky five-star resort where the conference was being held. I love the disgust with which people look at me when I arrive in fancy places like this. But I remind myself, again, to hell with anyone who thinks you’re a bit weird…]

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park


Authors Pay Cash

Open American Flags

Mountain sunset

Sequoia National Park

Camping on the Pacific Coast

Camping on the Pacific Coast

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  1. Chris Posted

    Great! This really was a true microadventure 4 you!!

  2. Davide Posted

    Awesome! I try to do the same on every business trip I do.

    Last one was sf bay around San Jose.

  3. Sean Smith Posted

    I’m off to the USA in a couple of days for a 3 week road tripping-hiking-climb on stuff-getting lost-whatever happens -adventure in the desert…I was already pumped and excited, this blog post just kicked up the anticipation level a few notches, right on! America is one of my fav countries on the planet too, all my best journeys seem to happen there.

  4. DanB Posted

    Great article Al – I can only imagine how fantastic that breakfast must have tasted after a night out in the open. Look forward to seeing the videos from the trip.

  5. Doug Posted

    Glad you enjoyed my neck of the crazy world! Southern CA is pockmarked with urban insanity squashed between mountain ridges, and when you get out of the traffic and hectic pace, the hillsides are gorgeous.

    Hope that you’re able to make it back out here!

  6. Hey Alistair, I grew up a few houses away from Lake Hollywood Dr, and had many a micro adventure at exact the spot you slept – – in the 1960s!

  7. what an amazing adventure! I cant believe I’ve only just discovered your blog. Very good photographs too I must say.



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